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Thursday, July 31, 2014

SOLVED:'TEMPLATE ERROR: Invalid data reference post.canonicalurl: No dictionary named: 'post' in: ['blog', 'skin', 'view'] '

This error appeared on every individual post after adding facebook comments.

What was causing this was the facebook comments appearing twice in my xml.

<fb:comments colorscheme='light' expr:href='data:post.canonicalUrl' expr:title='data:post.title' expr:xid='' width='600'/>

As well as...

<div class='fb-comments' data-type='button' expr:href='data:post.canonicalUrl' expr:title='data:post.title' expr:xid='' locale='el_GR' width='600'/>

And this was causing a conflict.

So I removed the fb:comments and -problem solved.
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SOLVED: links not clickable when inside position:absolute of position:fixed div

I used to have this problem a lot.Links could not be clicked.I've done a lot of reading around the net-many saying it is a z-index problem and I should change its' value to z-index:1 or z-index:-111,etc.None of this worked.

Finally I found a very simple solution that works.It was a 'left' problem set to 100% in my css.What I did was change the 'left' setting changing that to a percentage and added a margin-left in pixels.Width or right should also be set to a percentage.

This is what my code looked like.

I changed that to a percentage- 50% and then set a margin-left.

And that was hit the spot!!
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Sample Text